November 24th, 2011: Snoqualmie Falls

Snoqualmie, Washington

Like many other photographers lately I’ve spent time interacting with the multitude of content over on Google +. One of the cool features there is the daily photo themes where people post images based on a corresponding  topic like MonochromeMonday, WildlifeWednesday or FloralFriday. One of these that I’ve paid particular attention to is WaterfallWednesday started by California landscape photographer Eric Leslie. It has inspired me to seek out some of our own waterfalls here in the Pacific Northwest. The largest and most well known nearby waterfall is Snoqualmie Falls. Following a recent shoot at a much smaller and lesser known waterfall site in the same vicinity, it was hard to pass up an opportunity to stop at Snoqualmie on the way back to capture a few images.

Sony NEX 5N

3 frame, 9 exposure HDR processed with Lightroom 3, Photoshop CS5 and onOne PerfectEffects.

To see a larger version please click on the image.

Feel free to comment below if you like what you see or have any other observations.

Thanks for stopping by,


5 thoughts on “November 24th, 2011: Snoqualmie Falls

  1. Pingback: December 29th, 2011: Edge of Snoqualmie Falls « Sirfishalot's Blog

  2. Pingback: Edge of Snoqualmie Falls « HDRPhotog

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